Office Policies

General Office Policies

Payment: Payment is expected at the time of services. We accept all major credit cards, checks and cash. There is a $30 fee for returned checks. We do NOT accept Paypal, Venmo, or Cashapp. Customers are limited to a lifetime maximum of 3 Groupon redemptions.

Cancellations and Missed Appointments: We request that you give at least 48 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. This time is reserved exclusively for you and we would like to be able to fill it if you cannot make it to your appointment. If you cancel with less than 48 hours notice, we will treat it as a missed appointment and you will be charged full price.

If an emergency happens and you have to cancel in less than 48 hours, we understand, and may, at our discretion, waive the missed appointment fee. If it becomes a regular problem or if you do not call or show up for your appointment more than twice in a one year period, you will have to pre-pay to get an appointment and forfeit the payment if you do not show up for your appointment without adequate notice.

If you no call, no show for any appointment, you will be charged the full price for the missed appointment at your next visit.

Late Arrivals: Each time slot is reserved for the person in it. If you arrive late, we will try to accommodate your full appointment, however, if we cannot due so, your time will be shortened accordingly. Since the missed time is time we could not allocate to another person, we reserve the right to charge the price of your full appointment.

Special Hours: Evening and weekend hours MAY BE available, but are by special appointment at an additional fee of $5 for 15 and 30 minute appointments, and $10 for 45 or 60 minutes appointments, as well as each additional hour for longer appointments. All weekend appointments will be charged a missed appointment fee if you do not show up or if you cancel with less than 48 hours notice.

Genital Work and/or SRS/GRS/GAS preparation: Anyone requesting genital work must complete at least 10 hours of work elsewhere unless they have a doctor’s note requiring the work to be done. During an appointment, anyone that requests any type of sexual favor will be terminated as a client and anyone that attempts any type of assault will have charges pressed against them. Chaperons are permitted during appointments.

For genital work, you must be over 18 years of age unless you have a doctor’s note requiring the work to be done, in which case, a parent or guardian must be present for all work.

Minors: A parent or guardian must be available at the time of intact to sign the treatment consent forms, but generally we prefer them to be present during each session. Due to increased pain sensitivity, work on minors is normally kept to 15-30 minute sessions. We recommend that someone be at least 15 years old for facial treatment and 13 years old for treatment on the body. Genital work is not available for minors unless there is a doctor’s note requiring the work to be done.

Insurance Communication and Prior Authorization: We do not mind occasionally filling out a form for you or providing basic information, however, it is your responsibility to handle prior authorization if your insurance covers electrolysis. We are not a medical office with a full time staff member handling insurance. If we have to call insurance companies and doctors offices, we can be placed on hold for hours and unable to see clients, so we have to charge our hourly rate for doing so. There is also no guarantee that we will be successful in getting your prior authorization approved, nor that we will be able to make those calls in a timely manner, as we are fully booked actively seeing clients throughout the day.

If insurance does cover your electrolysis, you are expected to make payment directly to us at the time of your appointment, and we will provide you with a superbill to you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.